Friday 26 February 2016

Fight Against Psoriasis

Since beginning radiotherapy, I have become overtaken by Psoriasis. The GP and the Radiographers tell me that this is nothing to do with treatment, and is likely to be brought about by stress. One thing I do not feel a the moment is stressed, but as they explained, you do not have to feel stressed for the body to be under immense stress. They believe that because there is so much going on in our lives, the brain could possibly have "switched off" so that its not running parallel with how my body is reacting. All sounds a bit strange to me.

If you are not familiar with Psoriasis, I'll try to explain. Basically it is where the body (the skin) is producing the next layer of skin too fast. For everyone, skin is always dying and re-growing, but Psoriasis, the new skin tends to be there before the old skin has gone. This brings about rash like symptoms which unfortunately you have to live with. It can disappear completely for years, and then come back again. Some times are better than others, but for me, this is the worst it has ever been. Hopefully my cream will reduce the symptoms.

I'd down to single figures now for radiotherapy treatments left, 9 to go. I'd love to say I'm looking forward to it ending, but what it does mean is that the operation is getting closer day by day. The last couple of days, the thought of the operation has started to scare me. It had never bothered me too much because it seemed so far away, but recently it has been running through my mind quite a lot, and the thought of the unknown results is making me nervous. Of course, they will remove the tumour, of which I have no doubt. My worry is what comes out with it.

One thing at a time though eh, get the radiotherapy out of the way then worry about that, time for a nice relaxing weekend with the family.



  1. Your doing fine Tom, think most people are apprehensive before their ops, I know I was when I had breast cancer and later a tumour in my colon, I just wanted it removed, keep strong, and keep that holiday in mind xxx

    1. Thanks Joan really looking forward to a break. Happy birthday looking forward to a nice meal tonight x

  2. A holiday sounds good - if you can call it that with a pre-schooler and a newborn ;)
    I can see the radiotherapy finish line - very proud of how you have been handling everything.
    At least when you have your op it will be all over and we can get back to normal!! Bring back boring.... I miss our non-dramatic life!! Xxx

  3. Haha yeah the only way I take time off is when it is forced upon me. You are doing really well too I know it must be really hard, sorry I don't show it but I do appreciate how tough things are for you xx
