Wednesday 6 January 2016

Feeling "Normal"

Second day back in work today, and apart from this dry cough which remains from a bit of man flu I have had recently, I am feeling relatively "normal". Work has been hectic this morning which helps a lot, and in turn brings out the best in me. I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that I could well be taken away from the hustle and bustle of construction life for some time, and I'm going to miss it, let alone the characters you come across. The sense of satisfaction after a hard days work is something I will have to live without for the foreseeable future, with numerous visits to the hospital the more likely pastime. I can't wait to get back to it already and I haven't even had my diagnosis! 

Seems like I have passed the man flu onto little Alfie.....poor little soldier.

On another note, I found out that Sarcoma has a special colour ribbon. A nice bright yellow.


  1. Fingers, toes, legs, everything crossed that tomorrow's news is better than we are expecting. Love you xxx

  2. Fingers crossed you get positive news. We are going through the same thing with my husband who is 41. We hear on Monday what the treatment will be. Why does time go past so slowly when your waiting??
    Take care, Donna

    1. Hi Donna. Time goes by so slowly doesn't it. I really hope you get some positive news. Stay strong for your husband I'm sure he really appreciates you being there for him.
      Best Wishes x

    2. Thank you! Keep up with the blogging! Sending you and your family best wishes x

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